April 04, 2008

I Think i SAW

i think i saw my friend on the MRT yesterday.
was sitting on on the Exclusive Two-seater for Quick-Asses
was so happy nobody was boarding the same cabin, other cabins were like crap full, and i still managed to get my ass onto a sit!(am i too easily contented?)

so the story begins, i was sitting reading my newpaper, trying my best to carry it high enough so that the idiot beside me can stop peeping. shit i dont know whether he's peeping at me or the newpaper, but i sure was on the verge of giving him some piece of my mind if he didn't stop soon.

then i realised... there's this lady sleeping on the other side of the aisle...

train stopped at a station, she woke up for a moment.
she started to look around a little bit
Braised myself and took a little look
i wanted to see chio not...
i was stunned.
I THINK...it was Jialing!
Almost unmistake-able it was...
at that precised moment she was exactly staring at me
for like 2 seconds...

well sure was a small world huh!
i was raising my hand as a friendly gesture,
when i realised...
i was invisible...

she turned back down to sleep.
i couldn't believe it even as i walked out of the train
i took out my handphone and took a few pics of me there and then
cannot be leh... look like me what...

There you have it...
Bo Kua Tio Gui...
(never even recognise)

it didn't help when earlier in the afternoon,
i went to see my xbox360 promoter friends at funan,
my boss tried to sell me stuff...
had to Bao shang Da ming...
then he "ORH...."

dude... its just swell for goodness sake..
and its like Already 1/10 the swell left liaoz...
not like i disfigured what...
whats with this world?


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