Basic Theory - Been There Done That

It really cannot get more basic than this...
if only it is BASIC level we will be doing at the end of the year
Guess who passed the basic theory test? *Laughs out Loud - Muahahaha* Okay Okay fine...i shall not continue emphasizing the fact that i passed an easy theory test. BUT i am acutally 2nd of the somewhat 30 plus people in the whole group of people to actually finish that test. And of course to actually pass it. the first finished it 3 mins before me. It kind of a FUN experience to be pushing that LCD screen for the whole 16mins that i was in the test room. Owning a LCD screen myself, it felt awkward having to poke my finger onto that screen. Well, its not my fault that the program is nto sensitive enough to detect my finger. Oh well, as the guys were briefing i was busying myself with getting used to the insensitivity of the LCD(poking it was fun...considering you will have to kill me for me to put my fingerprint onto my own samsung LCD screen. it just feels so good...*poke*). Then there is this very funny incident that i MUST write down into my blog. This auntie in the mid 40s was sitting beside me on comp 19 who actually exited the test room in 5sec after the test started! The instructor specifically mentioned that if one is to end the test before all answers are finished the results will be final and irreversible. The auntie beside me, after changing the setting to her preferred language, pressed "END TEST" for her first option, then "OK". WHAHA!...the facilitator behind her was stunned. "u ended the test already? thats it leh!" he said. next was the most unbelievable thing. The auntie gave a soft orh , took her bag and walked away! She's so unaffected by the fact that she wasted 6 bucks for that stupid mistake of hers. Her indifferent attitude towards the test really amazed me. While doing that test i almost laughed out when i turned to look at that empty computer beside me.(sorry auntie...i just cannot control. well at least i only laughed in my heart)Walking out of the Comfort Driving Centre, i was waiting for my bus when this guy was almost going bonkers for having failed his basic theory for the SECOND TIME! Well i didnt mean to eavesdrop, but if somebody is so proud of his inability to memorize a few facts, and announcing to the whole world, i thought i might as well catch some of what message he is trying to bring across. Later on he added "popular sells a TYS for such tests, i am going to go get that TYS and finish this test once and for all!". It is amazing to see two different worlds of attitude towards the driving test. The auntie - so BO CHAP, the teenager - so ENTHUSIASTIC. Well, i guess i shouldn't have concentrated so hard eavesdropping on that teenager's conversation, because after 15mins in the bus i realised i was on my way to BEDOK! house in Hougang leh... The only great thing that happened was that - I HAVENT HAD DINNER! Dinner in BEDOK...not bad at all.Wa nothing can never get more devastating than having to take that bloody 854 from bedok to hougang! *tired*
eh... noe wad. i refer it when u type in short sentence. short and sweet and funny. haha. more like ur style~! haha
lol...trying out differnt topics to talk about ma...yunhui...haha that will come once in a while...heehee change different style of blogs once in a while then fun ma...
any ya...t...for your info my dad owns a old japanese car...well if i pass this year i can drive it for another 2 years before it gets scrapped haha. and as for you need to go bedok everyday...
*looks sympathetically..Aww*
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