kids look on if you want...u can puke later...
Tooth fairy! i want an IPOD for this tooth please?
oh...but its not with me...
the dentist kinda mutilated the tooth...
hope you dont mind?

This is the darn tooth that caused me so much problem!
i guess it was trying to be creative...
YES! i got my wisdom tooth removed!
It's ironic to see how the WISDOM tooth
STUPIDLY caused me so much trouble...and AGONY!
"i want blood...give me more blood"...
opps sorry...i'm morphing into a dracula..Grrr...*SLURP*...
my wisdom tooth is bleeding so much
i am practically drinking blood as i type...
i was wondering why people were staring at me when i was on my way home...well...who wont stare if you see a person with his lips stained red...sitting in bus 53...(bus to the airport) haha...
if you would excuse me...i need to go split out some blood now...
damn...its starting to sound so normal!
kids look on if you want...u can puke later...
Tooth fairy! i want an IPOD for this tooth please?
oh...but its not with me...
the dentist kinda mutilated the tooth...
hope you dont mind?

This is the darn tooth that caused me so much problem!
i guess it was trying to be creative...
YES! i got my wisdom tooth removed!
It's ironic to see how the WISDOM tooth
STUPIDLY caused me so much trouble...and AGONY!
"i want blood...give me more blood"...
opps sorry...i'm morphing into a dracula..Grrr...*SLURP*...
my wisdom tooth is bleeding so much
i am practically drinking blood as i type...
i was wondering why people were staring at me when i was on my way home...well...who wont stare if you see a person with his lips stained red...sitting in bus 53...(bus to the airport) haha...
if you would excuse me...i need to go split out some blood now...
damn...its starting to sound so normal!
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