July 22, 2005

Best case senario

was in the bus after a crap day then i started thinking about these questions again. those that can almost be right..or wrong! when any answer is a matter of perspection.

situation 1:
10 kids are playing on the train track. 9 of them did not notice they are playing on a functioning track, while the last one is playing safely alone on the unused track. a train approaches and is unable to stop in time, he is only able to swirve from left to right. here's the hard part...should he keep to the lane and kill the 9 children or should he turn to the unused track to save the 9 of them? note that the lonely kid is the one who practiced safety - and kept to the unused track. who shouldve died?(this is a two choose one question...dont try anything creative...)

situation 2:(real life experience...and the reason y today is so crappy)
a group of people is eating in the food court...one of them bought food from seven eleven and ate in the food court. he took utensils from the food court for his seven eleven-bought food. the uncle from the store stares at him and claims that he did not ASK FOR PERMISSION for BORROWING the utensils since he is eating stuff from outside...he then shouted and kao pei-ed for some time. his wife then added on:
"aiya never mind them, THEY are rubbish with no parents to teach them manners"
heres the question: Who is in the wrong? out of the MANY...only 1 bought outside food and the rest were scolded RUBBISH...is she allowed to say that?

situation 3:
well...most of them kept quiet and waited...and were branded
"nuo luo"(weakling)
What is the best way to end this?
in a civilised way?(considering that having us to apologise is impossible? you shouldve seen that bitch...and asshole couple)
is keeping quiet the right thing to do?
The gals thought they shouldve at least made an attempt to fight back(not literally)
should they?
the catch here is: THEY WERE IN SCHOOL UNIFORM

what is the best case senario?


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