June 13, 2005

The HitchHiker's Guide 2 A DAY WITHOUT HANDPHONE!

1. It Takes Two to Clap
(always move in pairs...your friend should have a handphone)
2. Know that all phonecard operated phones are screwed
(ALWAYS!!!!!!! especially those in the MRT station...screw them!)
3. Know that old phonecard operating phones are almost extinct.
(Who ever noticed that there's this new phonecard to use nowadays?)
4. Always remember one Freakin no. of your friend...
(Imagine what wouldve happened if not! you will be so dead!)
5. DONT TRY IT (shu shu you lian guo de)

one day's experience is good enough to demonstrate this old saying...
" the fu*king scissors goes missing just when you need it!"

My handphone is cold and almost in a permanent vegetative state...
all it does all day is vibrate a little...and...total silence...
"so what if i forgot? its just one day..." i thought...and i can even get away from the disasterous retarding effects of checking my sms...(fuck it removes 10 IQ points from you...not bad? Taking Maurijuana takes away only 4 IQ points...scared now?)

Damn it my whole day screwed up because of that...my friends went into a frenzy when they could not find me outside kovan MRT station. Maybe they were following too closely to reports about the s'pore child's trek in malaysia...afraid that their friend will end up the same way in this complicated urban environment...they were almost on the verge of calling the police for a search team...(helicopters and all).
Long Live Friendship!

Thinking others may be meeting at the destination point...(harbour front) i made my way there only to realise...FU*K i am alone! Well...at this point i was applauding my own supernatural ability to remember my friend's hp no. (Which normal human in s'pore still remembers hp no.? they use the CONTACT LIST).

Clap Clap Clap...


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