June 21, 2005

How To Attract Attention To Yourself

Here are some things you can try

1.Post your own nude picture on your blog
-That about makes your HITS increase a few fold.
Your blog becomes INTERnational in a moment's time.
Dont believe? WANNA TRY IT...?
2. Comment about other people's nude picture in their blogs
-Brings the reporters to your house!
And attract plenty of noise makers and Entertainment
2a.Comment on other people's comments and make a big fuss
-People starts to treat the "COMMENTS" page like a blog!
and people will comment on your comment...
and so on so forth...
(Only works if you REALLY make a big fuss
...and truely bitch quite alot...
u know how people can just easily

3. Make a racist remark in your blog
3a.Comment on how you cannot stand
INTER-RACIAL marriages in a high profile FORUM
-Like WOW! The whole world will be talking about you!
you will most likely kick-start a whole series of articles
and news based on your...then the whole world's bloggers
will start to talk about it...FOR MONTHS AND YEARS!
*like..look what i am doing now*
(Scholarship makes you stupid eh...?)
4.Make a post like this...
-Did it work?


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