August 02, 2005

The Chemistry Of Life...

When was the last time u wondered why you are studying chemistry? (i will bet $5 u are still thinking of it as u read this...) STOP wondering you stupid! Chemistry is like LIFE! like LIFE is CHEMISTRY...
let me elaborate...

for a start...almost everyone of you might have realised that YOU have a limit to how much you can study each day...which in chemistry terms is bluntly - Solubility Constant...anything more than you will start to precipitate.

or maybe you dont want to see yourself as think of enzymes. humans function like enzymes, anymore hotter environment and we denature...although we are able to take in EDUCATION (substrate) and breaking it into KNOWLEDGE (product) slowly realise there is Inihibitors around! First will be the NON-competitive INIHIBITOR...MSN Messenger. It attaches itself to the allosteric part of us...brainwashing us....slowly,it becomes a way of life. The reaction is irreversible although it does little to affect our AFFINITY for EDUCATION...Then there is this Competitive inhibitors...INTERNET!!! although it is able to form an enzyme substrate complex and is not similar enough to break down into KNOWLEDGE(product).It however, affects our affinity for the EDUCATION with the online games...

well...maybe life isnt all about education you may say...ITS ALL ABOUT LOVE...What's so different here? LOVE is in CHEMISTRY also!!

take the buffer solutions for might have known by now that weak acids(you) have conjugate pairs...the conjugate base(your spouse) is what you need in a buffer solution(love) When the acid(you) is WEAK...then the conjugate BASE(your spouse) will be STRONG.. and vis versa...(familiar?) When the third party steps in...the conjugate BASE will step in to resist the change in pH...that IS what LOVE IS ABOUT isnt it? always reacting...until the endpoint....

Who said chemistry is boring? shoot yourself!


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