July 07, 2005


sadly...this blog's gotta go...
if my results are ever gonna get any better...
so...here's my last post till november...
~may all aquiantance be forgot...
~and never brought to heart...
~for all lang...

Hey...for those who know me personally...
pls do note that my handphone is now paralayzed
haha...for the same particular reason...
Paralyzed...meaning...it will no longer reply SMS...
do call my home if you need me...


July 03, 2005

Famous Quotes

Some quotes!
enjoy...(do contribute if you can think of others!)

Cartman - "Oh My God you killed Kenny!You Bastard!"

Darth Vader - "heee.....hoooo...."

Durian Seller - "Wu li Si kuai!"(five for ten bucks!)
Hawker - "Want chilli ornot?"

Hi5 - "Hi5!"
Homer Simpson - "D'OH"

Itsuki - "Sheng ye si ren...Zhi si sheng neng zuo de dao ren zuo bu dao de shi qing, suo yi cai jiao sheng"(No matter how pro he is, he is still human...only that he can do things that others cannot do, making him a pro)

Monk - "jui guo jui guo"(sin...sin...)

Ronald McDonalds - "Buy a happy meal now and get a TOY free!"

Prostitutes in Movies - "Da Ye..."(boss...)

Timmy - "Tiiiimmmmmyyyy......"

Tony Leong - "Wo si jing cha"(i'm a cop)

Teletubbies - "Again...Again..."(sorry?..again?)

Yoda - "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering"