June 25, 2005

Certificate Of Time Wasted

For wasting three minutes of your time reading this post
you have just been awarded with a...


June 23, 2005

Guys VS Gals

When in disbelieve...
GUy:"What The fuck? --Gal:"What the hell?"
When cursing...
Guy:"Fuck!" --Gal:"Shit!"
When confused...
Guy:"Huh?" --Gal:"What the hell are you trying to do?"
When bitching...
Guy:"..." --Gal:"I cannot take this anymore!THAT...BITCH!"
When commenting on other's dressing
GUy:"You look gay" --Gal:"Slut..."
When trying to get a partner
Guy:"Hello beautiful"--Gal:"Yo cutie.."
When seeing something attractive...
Guy:"nice" --Gal:"Oh My god thats so cute!"

June 21, 2005

How To Attract Attention To Yourself

Here are some things you can try

1.Post your own nude picture on your blog
-That about makes your HITS increase a few fold.
Your blog becomes INTERnational in a moment's time.
Dont believe? WANNA TRY IT...?
2. Comment about other people's nude picture in their blogs
-Brings the reporters to your house!
And attract plenty of noise makers and Entertainment
2a.Comment on other people's comments and make a big fuss
-People starts to treat the "COMMENTS" page like a blog!
and people will comment on your comment...
and so on so forth...
(Only works if you REALLY make a big fuss
...and truely bitch quite alot...
u know how people can just easily

3. Make a racist remark in your blog
3a.Comment on how you cannot stand
INTER-RACIAL marriages in a high profile FORUM
-Like WOW! The whole world will be talking about you!
you will most likely kick-start a whole series of articles
and news based on your...then the whole world's bloggers
will start to talk about it...FOR MONTHS AND YEARS!
*like..look what i am doing now*
(Scholarship makes you stupid eh...?)
4.Make a post like this...
-Did it work?

June 19, 2005

GorillaZ - Feel GOOD Inc

You wont get out the county, 'cos you're bad and free
You've got a new horizon It's ephermal style.
A melancholy town where we never smile.
And all I wanna hear is the message beep.
My dreams, they've got to kiss, because I dont get sleep, no..
Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sticking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let’s turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

"Demon day" 's The cd...
jut got it...and i FEEL GOOD!...
(~dada dada...feel good...~dada dada...)
Amazed by how the song sings out freedom!
(Windmill windmill for the land...)
I desperately need one...