May 16, 2008

My Dream Photography

This is Titled my Dream Photography.
since i didnt have time durin the weekdays to shoot...
i started drawing during my free time in the office.
saw this similar photo of 40D interior
decided to do a Replica and add my own hands to it...
after some post processing this is my piece of work...

and this is just for fun... my friend:P

May 15, 2008

Soul EAter

Dont say i never intro.
quite interesting... got POTENTIAL one...
first few episode is an intro of the diff main characters..
then the start of the anime...
Steady one... even find the page for you.
Watch Here

May 14, 2008

Under Construction

The Blog will now be under Construction
until i take more photos! :P

Urbanised World

like i am stuck in this urban jungle... no matter how i bash...
i end up back to the same spot...
thinking... have i seen this HDB somewhere before?

then eventually i give up...
sitting under the fountain in the hot burning sun...
who the hell bought me a shirt saying "OKI DOKI"

May 11, 2008

Stray Cat

photography as it is...always brings out the beauty in perfection
what everyone forgot is that imperfection exists...
everyone near and around us...

beauty found in...imperfection...

tearing cat.

tangled hair.

unique but strangely toned hair colour..

chipped ear.

Urban Cityscape

what we are left with are sky scrappers and offices...
where is the nature?
where is the love... in this concrete forest.

its so overwhelming the ability to see everysingle thing in a different perspective
was at chinatown looking down on the world...
a beautiful sight...
as my friends are out in a new country exploring a new world new environment...
i am here exploring my own country...
in a way i have never been able to...
new vantage point...
it is like, when you are so squeezed inside the small area, you learn to adapt and find something new inside.

one day i will travel the world...
and i will make sure i bring something new back..

meanwhile i'll keep training my eyes...
one day i will see what everyone is not able to.
capture what others lets slip
and cherish what others neglect
one day i shall step out and be different.
this is the first step...